I Lost 5 Clothes Sizes at Age 53 Without Starving Myself
I Lost 5 Clothes Sizes at Age 53 Without Starving Myself or Exercising
Now I’m sharing my story to show you that you can do it too!
Let me start by saying something important off the bat. This is my honest review of a weight loss approach that really worked for me. And it’s going to work for you too even if you’ve struggled to lose weight and keep a healthy weight your whole life.
Yes, even if you are a habitual overeater (especially when stressful situations pop up). And yes, even if you crave salty or sugary foods at night, your metabolism is slow, and you’re fighting high blood pressure or pre-diabetes.
I can personally attest to this because that was me for most of my adult life. I’ve tried it all before to lose that weight and would always gain it back. Weight Watchers, calorie-counting, keto, crazy boot camp exercise routines…you name it.
I’d do these things and lose a couple pounds, then I’d gain it all back. I even gained more back the last time, to the point where I was 260 pounds at my 52nd birthday.
Not only did I hate the way I looked, but I also hated how I felt. And I was terrified. My husband had died from a massive heart attack 6 months before. Part of my overeating was from trying to comfort myself over his loss. But here I was, putting myself in the same danger of dying.
I loved my husband, but he never did care for his health. And while I did try to work on mine, I kept giving up, thinking I was just destined to be fat.
I didn’t want my children or grandchildren to suffer another painful loss. I realized I had a lot more living to do and I didn’t want to die like this. My health was spiraling out of control and I had to take action right away.

Now you can look at me and see that I’m not that way anymore. I lost 85 pounds and even reduced my high blood pressure meds. My doctor was absolutely floored by my progress, and I have more energy than I did when I was half my age.
So, why did things work this time around?
To be honest, I never really knew what I was doing. I felt like I was alone in my weight loss journey. When it got tough, I gave up.
This time, I found something that took my lifestyle and metrics into account. This step-by-step process helped guide me through my weight loss and into better overall health.
Even better, it didn’t have me starving myself, doing crazy workouts, or suffering through bland meals.

In fact, all I did was take a quick quiz that got me started. From there, I got the guidance I needed and all the tools necessary to make these changes in my life.
Called Immudi, this plan helped me by giving me:
The keys to what to eat to reduce inflammation and lose weight
Daily accountability so I’d stick to my goals
A comprehensive list of strategies
Trackers and worksheets to keep me engaged and on target
Daily tips and reminders
Meal recommendations that I like and easy-to-follow recipes
Expert advice
Support group
After taking the quiz, I’d get a small daily challenge to complete. It was simple and it helped me to take everything one step at a time. And speaking of steps, unlike those other diets, I felt like someone was leading me down the right road for once rather than feeling like I’d been lost and come up on a fork in the road.
These little actions kept me motivated. And they brought me to my results.
I wasn’t forced to restrict myself either. I could still eat carbs. And I felt full after a meal.
My weight loss results were almost instant. I lose inches and my clothes began to become too loose.
I went from a size 20 down to a size 12. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe to fit me.
And while that was fun, I feel so much better and have tons of energy. I get compliments all the time. Immudi was truly a miracle for me. It helped me get on track by taking a holistic approach to my health. I feel like a whole new person.
I’m still following the program because it’s not about starving yourself or restrictions. It’s about keeping with a healthy lifestyle and taking those important steps to get there.
For a year plan, I saved 75% off though I’m not sure if they’re still offering this discount. According to some health forum, you may be able to get it at that rate. But honestly, I’d pay full price for Immudi. It is absolutely worth it for the results I’ve gotten through this program.
I’m still using Immudi to keep my health on track and I recommend it to everyone, especially people in my age group, because it is an amazing way to change your health for the better.
If you want to try it, click below to take the free quiz. It only takes a minute and will help you get the keys to your weight loss and best health ahead. I urge you to do it…it’s life changing. Just look at my before and after photos if you need proof that you can take back your health and lose weight even when you’re over 50!

Answer a quick quiz and discover which weight-loss approach suits you best!