How I Lost Weight For Longevity: Fixing These 3 Mistakes Commonly Made By People In Their 50s Was the Game Changer!
Lisa C. Montana • March 23, 2023

How I was finally able to shed stubborn weight at 52, fit into clothes that had gathered dust in my closet for years, and keep the weight off for good WITHOUT giving up on the foods I love remains a mystery to many.
Most of my peers — 50 and above — find it hard to wrap their heads around how I was able to pull it off. But when I explain three everyday mistakes they are making, it immediately becomes clear how they have been self-sabotaging their efforts all the years they have struggled and failed to lose weight.
You are probably making the exact same 3 mistakes I’m referring to. And if you can understand and fix these mistakes, like me, you can finally hit your dream weight and start living a healthy and longer life.
My name is Sarah. When I was 52, I weighed 189 pounds, and my health was terrible.
I was constantly fatigued and in pain over the littlest activity. It was so bad that I’d get exhausted from just walking a few paces in my home! Going out with my husband or playing with my grandkids were things I craved but could never do. It hurt really bad.
I would shed tears staring down at the numbers from my digital bathroom scale, swearing to myself that I would fix my life. But give it a couple of days, I would go back to snacking with reckless abandon, indulging in other unhealthy habits, and adding to my misery.
Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I wasn’t putting any effort into exercising or eating right. I did. But sustenance was my biggest problem. No matter how resolute and committed I was each time I picked myself up and tried to give the whole weight loss thing one more shot, I failed harder.
Why am I telling my story?
To make anyone reading this understand that no matter how many times they have tried to lose weight and failed…no matter how hopeless their situation might seem…If they get to understand and fix the very same 3 mistakes I discovered and worked on, they can finally achieve the weight loss success that has eluded them for years.
My neighbor revealed these mistakes to me on one of those days I hauled myself down the driveway to fetch the mail — you won’t believe that a short walk to my mailbox was a big struggle for me back then.
This neighbor looked so trim, healthy, and glowing. I could tell she was on some kind of program because she increasingly looked better each time I sighted her from my window. But on this particular day, I couldn’t help with the gushing compliments as she’d never looked so fit and beautiful.
As my neighbor detailed the steps she took to get the beautiful results I gushed about, my mind was off to the races with doubts the process was sustainable or would work for me. I already saw myself failing without even starting.
But looking back at that day a year now, I’m thankful that I gave my neighbor’s weight loss regimen a shot. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be in my best shape ever, feeling better than I have ever felt in my entire life.
I wouldn’t be playing with my grandkids around the lawn, creating fond memories for them and myself. I definitely wouldn’t be dancing with my husband on social dates, living the moments I always craved for years.
It’s all thanks to the regimen my neighbor shared with me at the mailbox that fateful day. If not for that discussion, I wouldn’t discover the 3 huge mistakes I was making that were holding back my weight loss breakthrough.
Because I want as many people over 50 to also successfully lose weight, improve their longevity, and start living the happy life they’ve always dreamed of, I’m going to share those 3 mistakes.
Mistake #1: Following fad diets
Name any popular diet you know; I tried it. In my desperation to get results, I even tried several lesser-known diets that — speaking in hindsight — were silly and bound to fail.
With the knowledge I have now, I can clearly see why every diet I tried failed: they were all cookie-cutter diets tailored to fit any and everyone, regardless of their unique physiology or needs. What a huge mistake!
When I took my neighbor’s advice and started following a diet plan that fit my lifestyle, my body started getting everything it needed to get in shape. The best part is that I no longer had to starve myself or eat my feelings at night while following this unique diet plan.
Mistake #2: Avoiding the foods you love
Researchers at UCLA found that dieters lose 5% to 10% of their starting weight in the first six months of going on a restrictive diet, BUT most of them regain more weight than they lost in the following months. Do you know why?
One word: overindulgence!
“Restricting food groups or demonizing things like sugar can lead to feelings of deprivation that often manifest as overeating or bingeing farther down the line,” says Laura Thomas, Ph.D., RNutr, a registered nutritionist based in London.
When I understood this as truth and switched to balancing my diet, I didn’t just lose weight sustainably. I did so while still eating and enjoying the foods I love!
Mistake #3: Believing weight gian naturally increases with age
Like most people, I believed I would gain weight as I got older, and nothing I did would help me lose weight and keep it off. Boy, was I wrong!
After working with the right tools and hitting my desired weight, the scales fell off my eyes, and I immediately saw how my wrong beliefs about aging and weight loss held me down for years.
Sadly, so many people above 50 are operating with the same limiting beliefs that because they are getting older, they are passed their prime and doomed to be overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy.
If only they can open their eyes to the truth that all they need is the right tool!
The Weight Loss Tool that Changed the Narrative For Me
Although I like to believe that my commitment and strong desire for change played a big role, the truth is that without Immudi, I would still be confused and frustrated in my efforts to lose weight and get healthier. Immudi was the game changer.
When I saw my neighbor’s transformative results with Immudi, I decided to check it out on her recommendation. And I’m thankful I did. On top of that, I found a review on Exercise With Style which convinced me to finally make a change.
The amazing thing is that the process was easy to understand and implement. It started with a quick quiz; then, I was given a plan based on my lifestyle. I was thrilled that the plan included my favorite foods!
This plan was made just for me by professional nutritionists and experts. I didn’t have to track calories or stress myself out trying to follow it. They made it so easy, and I felt supported at every turn, like someone was always there to guide me.
Within a week, I started feeling my lost energy and vigor returning. After a month or two, I felt lighter and could gracefully walk to the local grocery store and other places in my neighborhood without getting winded. My clothes started feeling bigger, and when I switched to my old clothes, the fit was just about right. I completely loved the result.
I’ve got my life back at 53 with plenty more to go. And here’s the interesting part: most people don’t even think I’m in my 50s anymore because of how energetic and active I have become!
Immudi is truly different from anything else I’ve ever tried. Now I know why my neighbor was gushing about it, and I can’t stop myself from gushing about it too.
Good a thing, Immudi is currently running a limited-time offer. Don’t miss out! Take the free quiz to begin the journey to a weight loss breakthrough, as I did!
Have you seen the Immudi reviews? Users are raving about their anti-inflammatory weight loss success!
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