Over 50? Here’s What You Need to Know About Your Hormones and Why They’re Causing You to Gain Weight

Lisa C. Montana  •  March 23, 2023

I started noticing it while I was still in my 40s. It seemed to me with every passing year, I was becoming a little heavier. I initially chalked it up as another unpleasant side effect of aging.

But when I was 51, I really began to take notice. I hadn’t really had a problem with my weight until about 6 years before and now, it was hard to ignore. I was 182 pounds, and at that checkup when the nurse announced my weight to the doctor, I knew something needed to change.

Dr. Bowman turned to me and I thought he’d lecture me about being fat. Instead, he start asking questions about my menstrual cycle, if I was still getting my period, and about menopause symptoms. He took notes as I spoke and I wondered where this was going.

After answering his questions, he looked at me and said, “Your hormones are making an impact here, and there are some things you need to know about them before you start losing weight. This information is very important to keep in mind when getting your health back on track because there is a way to work around them and get the right results.”

Here’s what Dr. Bowman told me, and after I reveal these secrets about hormones and your weight, I’ll show you what I used to lose weight at my age, to look and feel better than I have in years!

Secret #1: Hormones affect body weight and shape

There are so many hormones in our bodies! I had no idea, but Dr. Bowman explained that there are ones that regulate your appetite and energy. Some of them make you hungry while others let you know your body has ingested enough. So when there’s an imbalance of them, these hormones can cause weight gain.

There’s ghrelin which the doctor said is the hunger hormone but it also works with your sleep-wake cycle and glucose metabolism. Leptin is the other one that is secreted by fat cells. When both of these things are unbalanced, you gain weight.

Since fat storage and breakdown are regulated by particular hormones, they influence how many calories your body burns each day. With fluctuations in your hormones as is common for women in their 50s, you gain weight, especially in your midsection.

Secret #2: Hormones change as you age

Another thing the doctor told me is that your hormones change as you age. Any of us close to or undergoing menopause likely knows this, but not the deeper meaning behind it.

This is exactly why those one-size-fits-all diets don’t work because your hormones are out of balance. Along with inflammation, you’re affecting your leptin which is likely telling your body to eat more when it shouldn’t, known as leptin resistance.

Secret #3: The foods you eat and exercises you do affect hormone production

One of the things that bugged me to no end was that before going to see Dr. Bowman, I’d cut out carbs and tried those other diets. At first, I lost a little weight but it all came right back.

The doctor told me why – because these diets affect your endocrine system. Balance is crucial for your diet, and it goes beyond eating healthy foods. You need to correct the inflammation in your body to help balance those hormones in order to see results.

In short, I learned that hormones and crazy diet restrictions really work against you. But just because you’re aging it’s not an excuse. You CAN lose weight, and I know this first-hand because I chose an anti-inflammatory diet that got my hormones in balance and gave me the results I’d been trying to get without starving myself or making my life miserable.

My Weight Loss Method

Once Dr. Bowman had shared that valuable information with me, I knew what I had to do. The only problem was I had no idea where to start. If you look online, you’ll see a bunch of diet options. But again, the problem there is stuff that’s made generically and doesn’t consider your own needs.

Somehow, I stumbled upon this free quiz by Immudi. It took only a couple minutes and asked about my metrics and lifestyle. Then it gave me a step-by-step anti-inflammatory plan that was made by professional nutritionists and experts.

I was skeptical, but I remembered what my doctor had said I decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did because I was able to eat the foods I loved. I didn’t have to sit there and go nuts trying to count calories. Immudi has trackers and tools to help guide you along plus real support and coaching which made me feel supported in my journey to weight loss and better health at 50+.

I can tell you that by the end of the first week, I felt energetic again, to the point that I honestly can’t recall feeling this way since my 20s. My clothes began fitting better too. A month later, I needed to go shopping because all of my clothes were too big.

The best part though was running into my ex-husband. We’d divorced right as I had started gaining more weight, right after our kids were out of college. I’d seen him here and there at graduations and such, but when he saw me after I’d been following Immudi for 4 months, he stopped in his tracks.

He literally pivoted and came across the room at a wedding for a mutual friend of ours. “My goodness, Trisha. You look absolutely amazing! If I didn’t know you, I’d think you were at least 15 years younger.”

It was just affirmation I needed to keep going. I’ve now gotten down to the weight range that Dr. Bowman said was healthy for my height at 130 pounds. Once I got my hormones and inflammation under control, it was easy.

Don’t miss your chance to get Immudi’s limited time offer going on right now. Take the free quiz and change your life. You may be in your 50s but it is never too late to make a change for your best health!


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